
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Solo Mission

The Who was blaring in my Jeep as I rolled up to the stream today. There wasn't another vehicle was in sight either; a pleasant contrast from Sunday’s outing. The morning had a fishy feel to it too; overcast with the sun trying to poke through. The water was gin clear again and had a nice flow to it.

I started off tossing a tandem nymph rig above with a little split to get it down. A small pheasant tail fooled two young wild brown trout and a pink scud fly landed another. It was great to see the stream producing healthy yearlings, but their parents were my true target. The wildlife this trip was great--on my walk to a favorite pool I jumped a deer, heard the screech of a hawk, and then had about five deer almost jump me. Upon reaching the long, slow pool, I immediately saw multiple trout rolling on nymphs. For this sight-fishing opportunity in skinny water, I removed the strike indicator and simplified my rig to a lone pheasant tail on light leader material. After the first few drifts went ignored, I placed a money shot right in the zone of the biggest target. Watching this trout inhale my nymph and then take me around the pool made my week. It got hairy there for a second when it brought me under a root system, but I steered the old brown out of trouble and snapped a quick photo before the release. I had to chuckle when I noticed that the fish bent my hook pretty good in the melee. I got lucky that time. 

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