
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Putting Time In

A friend and I spent the last day of 2009 on a favorite frozen body of water. We were after Northern pike again and we were not alone. Our vehicle was the sixth in the lot at 5 AM, yet we still managed to put ourselves in good position on a flat where a river pours in. The anglers that we shared the ice with were not rookies. We have seen their trucks numerous times before and have seen plenty of photos of their trophy pike. 

Photo credit: Derrick Kirkpatrick

A fishy low pressure system gave us confidence in our approach, but our dead baits went unmolested all day hovering off bottom in eight to ten feet of water. A nine hour outing and not one flag--a bitter reminder of how ice fishing for pike can be like watching paint dry. One group mustered a decent pike as we were picking up and another landed a surprise four-pound brown trout, which most likely ventured in the lake from one of its tributaries. It was still a slow day considering the storm front and sheer amount of baits in the water, but, as the saying goes, a tough day of fishing beats a good day at work. It was nice eating hot food in the confines of our shelter and it's always good to connect with other anglers that share the same passion.  

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