One of the most anticipated things about
Opening Day weekend is the top-shelf food consumed in camp. For three nights and four days, if we are not fishing or sleeping, we are eating or preparing the next meal. It's three square meals a day all weekend, but it's broken up into two breakfasts and a monster dinner. We forgo eating lunch to fish during the bulk of the day, then go to town on appetizers and the main course late into the night.
Breakfast sandwiches and bowls of Cheerios with bananas are always on the morning menu. The dinners and appetizers are where we change it up a little bit from year to year. This Opening Day consisted of paella (a Spanish rice dish) served with clams on night one. We kept it simple on night two in the pouring rain with natural casing hot dogs topped with kraut. Then the grand finale was the classic steak with baked potatoes.
Fresh seafood made up most of our apps. This year's sampling included clams from Long Island Sound, oysters from Point Judith Pond and sea scallops form George's Bank. Of course you can't overlook the serious cheese spread that was cut up each night.
A little excessive for a camping trip? Probably, but then again Opening Day isn't just any old camping trip! All this food and camp talk has me already looking forward to next year...
A nice cheese spread with my late Grandfather's KA-BAR. |
Top neck clams fresh from Long Island Sound. |
Clams on ice waiting to go down the hatch. |
My uncle preparing his famous roasted oyster dish. |
Big boy steaks over an indian fire with potatoes baking in the coals. |
Kurt prepping ingredients for the paella dish. |
Sea scallops wrapped with bacon held together by tooth picks whittled in a pinch. |
Slicing up natural casing hot dogs before they go over the fire. |
when car camping, if you are not full and or comfortable, you are doing it wrong. Looks a lot better than the cliff bar i had on the river bank that morning.
ReplyDeleteI'd give my left nut to be able to do something like this each year!
ReplyDeleteYou had an awesome time looks like! Rain was killer huh? Nice job!
ReplyDeleteVery nicely done. Yo got fry his left nut with some bacon and a whittled stick.